The Presentations
Did you miss the EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Hub Risk Day 2019? Don't worry, you can download the presentations that were given here. Please note that not all presentations are available at the request of the authors.
Keynote Speakers
![]() Prof Bert ZwartCentrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Netherlands | ![]() Andrew J. T. SmithCentre for Digital Built Britain |
The EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Hub Risk Day 2019 will feature two must-see keynote talks:
Prof Bert Zwart is a professor at Eindhoven University of Technology and leader of Stochastics at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (Centre of Mathematics and Computer Science) in the Netherlands.
His talk is titled "The stylized facts of cascading failures - a mathematicians perspective".
Cascading failures in power grids seem to originate and propagate in a highly unpredictable manner, and can be caused by a variety of events that seem impossible to incorporate in a mathematical model. Still, data reveals several stylized facts, such as the fact that cascades propagate non-locally, and that the total size of the cascade has a probability distribution with a power tail.
Prof Bert Zwart will be giving a partial overview of research done in this domain and also will report on joint work by himself, Tommaso Nesti (CWI), Fiona Sloothaak, and Sem Borst (TU/e) attempting to unravel the origin of the underlying power law.
Andrew J. T. Smith is the Research Programme Manager at The Centre for Digital Built Britain (CDBB).
His talk is titled "Bytes and Mortar: the potential for digital to transform the construction and infrastructure sectors".
The CDBB is a partnership between the UK government Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy and the University of Cambridge. It focuses on building research capacity and informing policy about integrating digital technologies to enhance productivity and efficiency, with plenty of modelling thrown in too.
What the Risk Day is all about
Power Systems | Risk | Uncertainty | Reliability | Modelling | Understanding
The EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Hub Risk Day is continuing the tradition of the previous Durham Risk Day series (2010-2014) and is an annual seminar for researchers involved in all aspects of risk and uncertainty analysis applied to current and future power and energy systems.
This one-day event will showcase the best research and industrial applications across the following topics:
Reliability analysis of system assets
Understanding high impact low probability events
Control and optimisation of uncertain power systems
Planning future energy systems under uncertainty
Modelling and quantifying uncertainty in energy systems
Communicating risk to energy system stakeholders and policy makers
The event (on Tuesday 5 March 2019) will be a mix of keynote presentations, oral presentations, and posters. We need you and your research to make it a success so make sure you get involved and make the most of this unique opportunity to meet other researchers focused on these crucial topics.
We Need You
Be a part of the EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Hub Risk Day 2019
The EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Hub Risk Day 2019 will only be a success with your involvement. We need you to come and present your research and discuss your ideas with the rest of us working in this area.
Submissions are now closed - thanks for all the great summaries that you have sent.
We've got a great event lined up - scroll down to check out the programme.
You can submit anything to the Risk Day
It can be something you've already published, something you've not published, something you're about to publish, or even just a new idea you're working on. Presenting at the Risk Day is about showcasing your research and starting conversations. Presenting at the Risk Day will not stop you from publishing your ideas elsewhere - we promise!
To be a part of Risk Day 2019...
You need to submit a one-page summary (using this template here) that describes what you will be presenting on the day. No extended abstracts or papers are required. You can include any figures or equations you need to clearly and concisely communicate your ideas. Just make sure you clearly cover:
The motivation for the research.
The unique aspects and novelty that make what you have done interesting.
The wider applicability and value of what you have done.
Once you have written your summary - please send it to riskday@manchester.ac.uk
We'll decide whether to put you down for an oral or poster presentation based on the mix of submissions we receive but if you have a preference for an oral or poster - let us know in your email. We can't promise you'll get your request as it all depends on space - but we'll do our best to keep everyone happy.
Important dates
December 20, 2018
One-page Summary Submission Deadline (Extended)
Make sure you submit your one-page summary by this date to be in with a chance of presenting
January 14, 2019
Acceptance and Full Schedule Announced
We'll tell you if your presentation will be included and announce the full event schedule
January 21, 2019
Registration Opens
Spaces are limited so make sure you book your place once registration opens
March 01, 2019
Registration Closes
Registration will close a few days before the event and you can't buy your ticket on the day so make sure you register in advance
March 05, 2019
Supergen Energy Networks Hub Risk Day 2019
The big day!
Presenter Information
If you have been allocated an oral presentation:
You will be given 12 minutes to present (with some time for Q&A afterwards).
We will be very strict on time to keep things running so please do not bring along a 20 minute presentation and just talk quickly – that never works. There are no limits on slides, only on time – which will be strictly enforced.
Don’t worry, there’s plenty of time in the schedule for you to have longer discussions about the details.
If you have been allocated a poster presentation:
Your poster must be A0 and portrait orientation.
We will not be accepting A4 slides on a poster board (we know you’re not that lazy but just in case). There’s no template – just make it look good.
You will also need to stand and present a 1 minute overview of your poster in the Poster Introduction Speed Round. You'll be doing with without slides. You’ll basically be trying to get the audience interested so they come over to say hello in the following poster sessions.
Event Details
Peterhouse Theatre,
University of Cambridge, CB2 1RD, UK
Tuesday 5 March 2019
09:30 - 17:30
Registration is now closed
Unfortunately nothing this good comes for free and we need to charge a small registration fee (£45) to cover basic costs like event hire and food. It's still an absolute bargain though!
Registation is now open
Places as limited so don't leave it to the last minute, register early to secure your place.
Please note you will not be able to turn up and register on the day! Registration will close a few days before the event to make sure we know the final numbers.
Event Programme
The draft programme is shown below or you can download the full programme by clicking here. We will have a mix of oral and poster presentations with plenty of opportunities to discuss work and learn some new ideas.

The one-day event will be held at the Peterhouse Theatre at the University of Cambridge. The striking theatre is in the heart of Peterhouse College and retains much of its original Victorian lecture room character. It is approximately one mile from Cambridge train station. If you are coming from further afield then the closest airport is London Stansted from which you can reach Cambridge in 40 minutes on the train. You can find more details about how to get to Cambridge by clicking this link.
The full address for searches and sat-navs is Peterhouse, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1RD.
Please get in touch if you have any questions about how to find the venue.
This event is being hosted at the the University of Cambridge and is supported by the Supergen Energy Networks Hub. Get in touch to find out more about the Supergen Energy Networks Hub and their other events.
If you want to send your thanks and praise, we recommend sending it straight to the people making the day happen.
![]() Dr Chris DentThe University of Edinburgh | ![]() Dr Robin PreeceThe University of Manchester |
EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Hub
The EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Hub brings together the vibrant and diverse energy networks community to gain a deeper understanding of the interactions and inter-dependencies of energy networks. Led by Professor Phil Taylor from Newcastle University the Hub integrates a wide range of industrial and academic partners with other energy networks stakeholders.
The EPSRC Supergen Energy Networks Hub aims to address the challenges of risk, technology, policy, data and markets for energy networks and is a collaboration between a consortium of universities:
Newcastle University – Prof Phil Taylor and Dr Sara Walker
The University of Manchester – Prof Vladimir Terzija and Dr Robin Preece
Cardiff University – Prof Jianzhong Wu
University of Bath – Prof Furong Li
University of Leeds – Prof Peter Taylor
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Energy Networks Hub Risk Day